
Front End Developer

Jakarta | IT Department | Experience

Job Responsibilites : 

1. Design basic ideas for website/application appearance together with UX designers
2. Ensure that the appearance of the program is designed in accordance with the technical design of UI/UX
3. Manage the speed of the website/application so that it can run optimally
4. Implement visual elements of a site or application that have been previously designed by a UI designer
5. Using responsive design in creating website or application user interfaces
6. Functionally testing sites or applications together with other development teams
7. Solve what happened during the test launch of the program
8. Ensure that due diligence in terms of appearance is completed before sending it to the back end team
9. Improve the visual architecture of a site or application along with back end developers


Job Requirement :

1. Proficiency in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
2. Mastery of Next.js and TypeScript
3. Sound knowledge of server operations
4. Database management expertise
5. Proficient in using GIT for version control
6. Skilled in communicating with REST, JSON, and RESTful services
7. Capable of translating Figma designs into functional web interfaces
8. Proficiency in responsive web design
9. Experience working with CSS frameworks
10. Knowledge of SEO best practices
11. Minimum 1-year experience as a web developer
12. Strong teamwork and collaboration skills

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